To cure the running disease fungicide remedies, it is important to know what you are afraid of nail fungus. This depends on the success of intensive therapy, clinical results. The main thing is to stop the reproduction process of the infection, cut off the attack. To productively win the nail fungus remedies, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist and completing the diagnosis, transfer to intensive care.

What is the fungus of the nails
Is the defeat of the surface of the nail, yeasts or fungi growth and deformation, the change of the structure of the surface of the nail. If the process involves a nail, it does not rule out the dangerous fungus enters in the health of the surface, the soft tissues. The disease progresses under the influence of aggressive factors, need to of conservative therapy with the involvement of antifungal funds.
The treatment onychomycosis
At home the treatment initiated the phase characteristic of the disease is difficult to undergo conservative therapy, is not possible without the involvement of physicians. The focus of this issue of integral health, necessarily includes the enforcement of rules of personal hygiene, treatment of the diet required vitamins by mouth. The doctors after the pre-diagnosis is made the following recommendations:
- In the period of treatment is given to protect your funds personal hygiene, not sharing cooking utensils and other household items.
- It is necessary to carefully treat shoes, so that in the time of intensive care of nail fungus again has not progressed.
- It is very important to advanced, strengthen immunity natural and pharmacological tools of a full course.
Who is afraid of nail fungus of the feet
The itching and burning of the skin, cosmetic defect in the surface of the nail is required the conformity are not-announced to make an appointment with a dermatologist, mycologist. When the combined treatment, the patient must know what he is afraid of pathogenicity of micro-organisms for the treatment of onychomycosis of maximum efficiency. This valuable information provides a dermatologist, therefore, it is not recommended dubious self-medication. Thus, a malicious fungus in the nails in the legs of fear:
- dies at high temperatures;
- afraid to boil, bleach;
- reduces the increase of the activity in the bathrooms;
- negatively perceived acid environment;
- demonstrates increased sensitivity to the anti-fungal means;
- weakens pathogens impact on contact with hydrogen peroxide;
- lost in the fight with the garlic and celandine.
The temperature at which the fungus dies
Worthwhile to talk about an increase in the temperature so that pathogenic fungal flora source first reduces its activity, and after does not die with the urgent to the deduction of the agency. It is important to know that the temperature of 75 degrees fungus dies after 15 minutes. This information is particularly relevant since infected things to the complete disinfection is necessary to boil for at least 5 minutes before the end of the destruction of the pathogenic micro-organisms.

When fungal infections mandatory health designates antifungal within and for external use. In the opposite case, the positive dynamic does not exist, and the disease progresses slowly. For the conservative treatment is productive, it is important to know what you are afraid of the pathogen, and what pharmacological group, ensure a long, therapeutic effect:
- antihistamines allergy symptoms;
- local antiseptics are, for example, the solution of iodine;
- anti-fungal;
- Immunostimulant;
- multivitamin complex.
To cure onychomycosis, it is necessary to use a systemic drug, designed for interior applications.
Ointments antifungal
To defeat the fungi in your toenails, in the first place, it is necessary to cut the part affected by the nail plate, and after you use creams, ointments, and solutions, with a marked antifungal effect. In the treatment need not only affected by the nails of the feet, but also of the soft tissues, inflammation of the cuticle.
Special lucky
Positive feedback is observed, if the affected area lubricant of anti-fungal drugs varnishes, in accordance with the instructions of use. The convenience of this form of emission is the possibility of using this drug is not more than 2 – 3 times per week, focused on the impact of the pathogenic flora.
The treatment of nail fungus runs of the form
In complicated clinical pictures may be involved operational, the methods of removal affected by the fungus from the surface of the nail. To cure characteristic of the disease, is required to steam the focus of the pathology of the decoction of the medicinal herbs, then cut the length of visible foci of detachment of the nail from the bed.
Home remedies
Before using any of the methods of alternative medicine, it is necessary to think to steam the plate of the nail, in addition to dealing with local antiseptics, for example, the tea tree oil, let it dry. To cure the fungus, in the future, you can use the home remedies in the form of hot packs, trays, herbal infusions, and other external installations, it is important not to collide with the burn.
The apple cider vinegar
Doctor of alcohol and apple cider vinegar you want to connect in the same proportions. 1 tbsp finishing in the composition add 1 tsp of glycerin, mix well. The fungus is afraid, if in the nails, apply 1 drop of the medicine in the morning and at night for 2 – 3 weeks. The customers of this type of positive treatment, it's important not to delete and not take damage, and the composition.

You can use the ointment antifungal Tinedol, but cheaper is proven popular recipes. For example, when you use salt you have 1 tablespoons of crystals dissolved in 1 tablespoon warm water, mix. Use received the drug for the execution of germicidal trays 10 – 15 minutes. You can use the sea salt.
To use the baking soda, put 1 tsp of bleach to dissolve in a glass of water, mix and down affected nails in 15 – 20 minutes. Then, to reinforce general, the therapeutic effect, you can grate the affected surfaces concentrate of juice of the greater celandine or tea mushroom. Repeat this procedure preferably in the morning and at night, until complete disappearance of the unpleasant symptoms.
The essential oil
Real customers on this type of therapy is also a positive, especially if you use the base of tea tree oil. To prepare natural medicines, those who fear the fungus requires 3 – 5 drops of oil add 2 litres of water. After you do this, you must lower the water in the affected limb, to carry out the procedure every day for 15 – 20 minutes before the recovery.